
カテゴリ別記事インデックス https://msyksphinz.github.io/github_pages , English Version https://fpgadevdiary.hatenadiary.com/

Gem5でのROI (Region of Interests) の設定方法



---------- Begin Simulation Statistics ----------
simSeconds                                   0.000019                       # Number of seconds simulated (Second)
simTicks                                     19032500                       # Number of ticks simulated (Tick)
finalTick                                  3180986000                       # Number of ticks from beginning of simulation (restored from checkpoints and never reset) (Tick)
simFreq                                  1000000000000                       # The number of ticks per simulated second ((Tick/Second))
hostSeconds                                      1.17                       # Real time elapsed on the host (Second)
hostTickRate                                 16260795                       # The number of ticks simulated per host second (ticks/s) ((Tick/Second))
hostMemory                                     674916                       # Number of bytes of host memory used (Byte)
simInsts                                      5983783                       # Number of instructions simulated (Count)
simOps                                        6614261                       # Number of ops (including micro ops) simulated (Count)
hostInstRate                                  5112060                       # Simulator instruction rate (inst/s) ((Count/Second))
hostOpRate                                    5650645                       # Simulator op (including micro ops) rate (op/s) ((Count/Second))
system.clk_domain.clock                          1000                       # Clock period in ticks (Tick)
system.cpu.numCycles                            38065                       # Number of cpu cycles simulated (Cycle)
system.cpu.numWorkItemsStarted                      0                       # Number of work items this cpu started (Count)
system.cpu.numWorkItemsCompleted                    0                       # Number of work items this cpu completed (Count)
system.cpu.instsAdded                           25303                       # Number of instructions added to the IQ (excludes non-spec) (Count)
system.cpu.nonSpecInstsAdded                        2                       # Number of non-speculative instructions added to the IQ (Count)
system.cpu.instsIssued                          25255                       # Number of instructions issued (Count)
system.cpu.squashedInstsIssued                     12                       # Number of squashed instructions issued (Count)
system.cpu.squashedInstsExamined                  177                       # Number of squashed instructions iterated over during squash; mainly for profiling (Count)
system.cpu.squashedOperandsExamined               160                       # Number of squashed operands that are examined and possibly removed from graph (Count)
system.cpu.squashedNonSpecRemoved                   1                       # Number of squashed non-spec instructions that were removed (Count)
system.cpu.numIssuedDist::samples               37671                       # Number of insts issued each cycle (Count)
system.cpu.numIssuedDist::mean               0.670410                       # Number of insts issued each cycle (Count)
system.cpu.numIssuedDist::stdev              0.885386                       # Number of insts issued each cycle (Count)
system.cpu.numIssuedDist::underflows                0      0.00%      0.00% # Number of insts issued each cycle (Count)
system.cpu.numIssuedDist::0                     20991     55.72%     55.72% # Number of insts issued each cycle (Count)
system.cpu.numIssuedDist::1                     10121     26.87%     82.59% # Number of insts issued each cycle (Count)

しかし場合によっては、ある特定の領域のみの統計情報を取りたいということも出てくるだろう。この「特定の領域」のことをROI(Region of Interest)と呼ぶのだが、これをプログラム中に設定することによって、Gem5の統計情報を取得するプログラムの領域を変更できる。



  • AArch64の場合
.macro   m5op_func, name, func
        .globl \name
        .long 0xff000110 | (\func << 16)
.macro   m5op_func, name, func
        .globl \name
        .long 0x0000007b | (\func << 25)
#define M5OP_RESET_STATS        0x40
#define M5OP_DUMP_STATS         0x41
    M5OP(m5_reset_stats, M5OP_RESET_STATS)                      \
    M5OP(m5_dump_stats, M5OP_DUMP_STATS)                        \


#ifdef GEM5
  /* resetstats */
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("isb; mov x0, #0; mov x1, #0; .inst 0XFF000110 | (0x40 << 16);" : : : "x0", "x1");
#endif // GEM5

  matrix_multiply_neon(A, B, D, n, m, k);

#ifdef GEM5
  /* resetstats */
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("isb; mov x0, #0; mov x1, #0; .inst 0XFF000110 | (0x41 << 16);" : : : "x0", "x1");
#endif // GEM5



これにより、m5out/stats.txt の情報が当該ROI内のみの情報に限定される。