
カテゴリ別記事インデックス https://msyksphinz.github.io/github_pages , English Version https://fpgadevdiary.hatenadiary.com/

Gem5のチュートリアル "Learning Gem5"をやってみる(9. デバッグ機能の追加)




gem5はprintfスタイルのトレース・デバッグ機能をサポートしており、これを使うためにはdebug flagを使用する。このフラグによってすべてのコンポーネントがdebug-print文を使用することができる。gem5を実行したとき、debug flagを使用してどのデバッグオプションを使用するか指定できる。



$ ./build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=DRAM configs/learning_gem5/part1/simple.py | head -n 50
gem5 Simulator System.  http://gem5.org
DRAM device capacity (gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 compiled Jan  3 2017 16:03:38
gem5 started Jan  3 2017 16:09:53
gem5 executing on chinook, pid 19223
command line: build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=DRAM configs/learning_gem5/part1/simple.py

Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Memory capacity 536870912 (536870912) bytes
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Row buffer size 8192 bytes with 128 columns per row buffer
      0: system.remote_gdb.listener: listening for remote gdb #0 on port 7000
Beginning simulation!
info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...
      0: system.mem_ctrl: recvTimingReq: request ReadReq addr 400 size 8
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Read queue limit 32, current size 0, entries needed 1
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Address: 400 Rank 0 Bank 0 Row 0
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Read queue limit 32, current size 0, entries needed 1
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Adding to read queue
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Request scheduled immediately
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Single request, going to a free rank
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Timing access to addr 400, rank/bank/row 0 0 0
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Activate at tick 0
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Activate bank 0, rank 0 at tick 0, now got 1 active
      0: system.mem_ctrl: Access to 400, ready at 46250 bus busy until 46250.
  46250: system.mem_ctrl: processRespondEvent(): Some req has reached its readyTime
  46250: system.mem_ctrl: number of read entries for rank 0 is 0
  46250: system.mem_ctrl: Responding to Address 400..   46250: system.mem_ctrl: Done
  77000: system.mem_ctrl: recvTimingReq: request ReadReq addr 400 size 8
  77000: system.mem_ctrl: Read queue limit 32, current size 0, entries needed 1
  77000: system.mem_ctrl: Address: 400 Rank 0 Bank 0 Row 0
  77000: system.mem_ctrl: Read queue limit 32, current size 0, entries needed 1
  77000: system.mem_ctrl: Adding to read queue
  77000: system.mem_ctrl: Request scheduled immediately
  77000: system.mem_ctrl: Single request, going to a free rank
  77000: system.mem_ctrl: Timing access to addr 400, rank/bank/row 0 0 0
  77000: system.mem_ctrl: Access to 400, ready at 101750 bus busy until 101750.
 101750: system.mem_ctrl: processRespondEvent(): Some req has reached its readyTime
 101750: system.mem_ctrl: number of read entries for rank 0 is 0
 101750: system.mem_ctrl: Responding to Address 400..  101750: system.mem_ctrl: Done
 132000: system.mem_ctrl: recvTimingReq: request ReadReq addr 400 size 8
 132000: system.mem_ctrl: Read queue limit 32, current size 0, entries needed 1
 132000: system.mem_ctrl: Address: 400 Rank 0 Bank 0 Row 0
 132000: system.mem_ctrl: Read queue limit 32, current size 0, entries needed 1
 132000: system.mem_ctrl: Adding to read queue
 132000: system.mem_ctrl: Request scheduled immediately
 132000: system.mem_ctrl: Single request, going to a free rank
 132000: system.mem_ctrl: Timing access to addr 400, rank/bank/row 0 0 0
 132000: system.mem_ctrl: Access to 400, ready at 156750 bus busy until 156750.
 156750: system.mem_ctrl: processRespondEvent(): Some req has reached its readyTime
 156750: system.mem_ctrl: number of read entries for rank 0 is 0


$ ./build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=Exec configs/learning_gem5/part1/simple.py | head -n 50
gem5 Simulator System.  http://gem5.org
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 compiled Jan  3 2017 16:03:38
gem5 started Jan  3 2017 16:11:47
gem5 executing on chinook, pid 19234
command line: build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=Exec configs/learning_gem5/part1/simple.py

Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
      0: system.remote_gdb.listener: listening for remote gdb #0 on port 7000
warn: ClockedObject: More than one power state change request encountered within the same simulation tick
Beginning simulation!
info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...
  77000: system.cpu T0 : @_start    : xor   rbp, rbp
  77000: system.cpu T0 : @_start.0  :   XOR_R_R : xor   rbp, rbp, rbp : IntAlu :  D=0x0000000000000000
 132000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+3    : mov r9, rdx
 132000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+3.0  :   MOV_R_R : mov   r9, r9, rdx : IntAlu :  D=0x0000000000000000
 187000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+6    : pop rsi
 187000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+6.0  :   POP_R : ld   t1, SS:[rsp] : MemRead :  D=0x0000000000000001 A=0x7fffffffee30
 250000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+6.1  :   POP_R : addi   rsp, rsp, 0x8 : IntAlu :  D=0x00007fffffffee38
 250000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+6.2  :   POP_R : mov   rsi, rsi, t1 : IntAlu :  D=0x0000000000000001
 360000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+7    : mov rdx, rsp
 360000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+7.0  :   MOV_R_R : mov   rdx, rdx, rsp : IntAlu :  D=0x00007fffffffee38
 415000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+10    : and    rax, 0xfffffffffffffff0
 415000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+10.0  :   AND_R_I : limm   t1, 0xfffffffffffffff0 : IntAlu :  D=0xfffffffffffffff0
 415000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+10.1  :   AND_R_I : and   rsp, rsp, t1 : IntAlu :  D=0x0000000000000000
 470000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+14    : push   rax
 470000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+14.0  :   PUSH_R : st   rax, SS:[rsp + 0xfffffffffffffff8] : MemWrite :  D=0x0000000000000000 A=0x7fffffffee28
 491000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+14.1  :   PUSH_R : subi   rsp, rsp, 0x8 : IntAlu :  D=0x00007fffffffee28
 546000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+15    : push   rsp
 546000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+15.0  :   PUSH_R : st   rsp, SS:[rsp + 0xfffffffffffffff8] : MemWrite :  D=0x00007fffffffee28 A=0x7fffffffee20
 567000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+15.1  :   PUSH_R : subi   rsp, rsp, 0x8 : IntAlu :  D=0x00007fffffffee20
 622000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+16    : mov    r15, 0x40a060
 622000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+16.0  :   MOV_R_I : limm   r8, 0x40a060 : IntAlu :  D=0x000000000040a060
 732000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+23    : mov    rdi, 0x409ff0
 732000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+23.0  :   MOV_R_I : limm   rcx, 0x409ff0 : IntAlu :  D=0x0000000000409ff0
 842000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+30    : mov    rdi, 0x400274
 842000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+30.0  :   MOV_R_I : limm   rdi, 0x400274 : IntAlu :  D=0x0000000000400274
 952000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+37    : call   0x9846
 952000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+37.0  :   CALL_NEAR_I : limm   t1, 0x9846 : IntAlu :  D=0x0000000000009846
 952000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+37.1  :   CALL_NEAR_I : rdip   t7, %ctrl153,  : IntAlu :  D=0x00000000004001ba
 952000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+37.2  :   CALL_NEAR_I : st   t7, SS:[rsp + 0xfffffffffffffff8] : MemWrite :  D=0x00000000004001ba A=0x7fffffffee18
 973000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+37.3  :   CALL_NEAR_I : subi   rsp, rsp, 0x8 : IntAlu :  D=0x00007fffffffee18
 973000: system.cpu T0 : @_start+37.4  :   CALL_NEAR_I : wrip   , t7, t1 : IntAlu :
1042000: system.cpu T0 : @__libc_start_main    : push   r15
1042000: system.cpu T0 : @__libc_start_main.0  :   PUSH_R : st   r15, SS:[rsp + 0xfffffffffffffff8] : MemWrite :  D=0x0000000000000000 A=0x7fffffffee10
1063000: system.cpu T0 : @__libc_start_main.1  :   PUSH_R : subi   rsp, rsp, 0x8 : IntAlu :  D=0x00007fffffffee10
1118000: system.cpu T0 : @__libc_start_main+2    : movsxd   rax, rsi
1118000: system.cpu T0 : @__libc_start_main+2.0  :   MOVSXD_R_R : sexti   rax, rsi, 0x1f : IntAlu :  D=0x0000000000000001
1173000: system.cpu T0 : @__libc_start_main+5    : mov  r15, r9
1173000: system.cpu T0 : @__libc_start_main+5.0  :   MOV_R_R : mov   r15, r15, r9 : IntAlu :  D=0x0000000000000000
1228000: system.cpu T0 : @__libc_start_main+8    : push r14


Base Flags:
    Activity: None
    AddrRanges: None
    Annotate: State machine annotation debugging
    AnnotateQ: State machine annotation queue debugging
    AnnotateVerbose: Dump all state machine annotation details
    BaseXBar: None
    Branch: None
    Bridge: None
    CCRegs: None
    CMOS: Accesses to CMOS devices
    Cache: None
    CacheComp: None
    CachePort: None
    CacheRepl: None
    CacheTags: None
    CacheVerbose: None
    Checker: None
    Checkpoint: None
    ClockDomain: None
Compound Flags:
    All: Controls all debug flags. It should not be used within C++ code.
        All Base Flags
    AnnotateAll: All Annotation flags
        Annotate, AnnotateQ, AnnotateVerbose
    CacheAll: None
        Cache, CacheComp, CachePort, CacheRepl, CacheVerbose, HWPrefetch
    DiskImageAll: None
        DiskImageRead, DiskImageWrite
XBar: None
    BaseXBar, CoherentXBar, NoncoherentXBar, SnoopFilter



新しいデバッグフラグを使用するためにはSConscriptファイルを使用する。hello objectコード(src/learning_gem5/SConscrpt)に以下を追加する。


これは "HelloExample "というデバッグフラグを宣言している。これで、SimObjectのデバッグ文にこれを使うことができる。



#include "base/trace.hh"
#include "debug/HelloExample.hh"


DPRINTF(HelloExample, "Created the hello object\n");

DPRINTFはC++マクロである。最初のパラメータはSConscriptファイルで宣言されたデバッグフラグである。src/learning_gem5/SConscriptファイルで宣言したので、HelloExampleフラグを使うことができる。残りの引数は変数で、printf文に渡すようなものなら何でもいい。 さて、gem5を再コンパイルし、"HelloExample "デバッグ・フラグを付けて実行すると、次のような結果が得られる。

$ ./scons build/X86/gem5.opt
$ ./build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=HelloExample configs/learning_gem5/part2/run_hello.py
gem5 Simulator System.  http://gem5.org
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 compiled Jan  4 2017 09:40:10
gem5 started Jan  4 2017 09:41:01
gem5 executing on chinook, pid 29078
command line: build/X86/gem5.opt --debug-flags=HelloExample configs/learning_gem5/part2/run_hello.py

Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
      0: hello: Created the hello object
Beginning simulation!
info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...
Exiting @ tick 18446744073709551615 because simulate() limit reached








