
カテゴリ別記事インデックス https://msyksphinz.github.io/github_pages , English Version https://fpgadevdiary.hatenadiary.com/

Gem5のチュートリアル "Learning Gem5"をやってみる(16. SimpleCacheの実装2)



  • gem5記事一覧インデックス





  • このキャッシュのパラメータを設定する(例えば、キャッシュのサイズを1kBに設定する)
  • 名前付きポート(data_portinst_port)を使用する代わりに、cpu_sideポートを2回使用する


import m5
from m5.objects import *


system.cache = SimpleCache(size='1kB')

system.cpu.icache_port = system.cache.cpu_side
system.cpu.dcache_port = system.cache.cpu_side

system.membus = SystemXBar()

system.cache.mem_side = system.membus.slave



gem5 Simulator System.  http://gem5.org
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 compiled Jan 10 2017 17:38:15
gem5 started Jan 10 2017 17:40:03
gem5 executing on chinook, pid 29031
command line: build/X86/gem5.opt configs/learning_gem5/part2/simple_cache.py

Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
warn: DRAM device capacity (8192 Mbytes) does not match the address range assigned (512 Mbytes)
0: system.remote_gdb.listener: listening for remote gdb #0 on port 7000
warn: CoherentXBar system.membus has no snooping ports attached!
warn: ClockedObject: More than one power state change request encountered within the same simulation tick
Beginning simulation!
info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...
Hello world!
Exiting @ tick 56082000 because target called exit()
gem5 Simulator System.  http://gem5.org
gem5 is copyrighted software; use the --copyright option for details.

gem5 compiled Jan 10 2017 17:38:15
gem5 started Jan 10 2017 17:41:10
gem5 executing on chinook, pid 29037
command line: build/X86/gem5.opt configs/learning_gem5/part2/simple_cache.py

Global frequency set at 1000000000000 ticks per second
warn: DRAM device capacity (8192 Mbytes) does not match the address range assigned (512 Mbytes)
0: system.remote_gdb.listener: listening for remote gdb #0 on port 7000
warn: CoherentXBar system.membus has no snooping ports attached!
warn: ClockedObject: More than one power state change request encountered within the same simulation tick
Beginning simulation!
info: Entering event queue @ 0.  Starting simulation...
Hello world!
Exiting @ tick 32685000 because target called exit()


システム全体の実行時間を知ることは重要な指標の一つである。しかし、キャッシュのヒット率やミス率など、他の統計も含めたくなるかもしれない。そのためには SimpleCache オブジェクトに統計情報を追加する必要がある。

まず、SimpleCache オブジェクトで統計情報を宣言する。これらは Stats 名前空間の一部である。

  • ヒット数とミス数
  • missLatency
  • Formula for the hitRatio
    • ヒット数とミス数を組み合わせたという特別な統計量
class SimpleCache : public MemObject

    Tick missTime; // To track the miss latency

    Stats::Scalar hits;
    Stats::Scalar misses;
    Stats::Histogram missLatency;
    Stats::Formula hitRatio;


    void regStats() override;


    // If you don't do this you get errors about uninitialized stats.

    hits.name(name() + ".hits")
        .desc("Number of hits")

    misses.name(name() + ".misses")
        .desc("Number of misses")

    missLatency.name(name() + ".missLatency")
        .desc("Ticks for misses to the cache")
        .init(16) // number of buckets

    hitRatio.name(name() + ".hitRatio")
        .desc("The ratio of hits to the total accesses to the cache")

    hitRatio = hits / (hits + misses);



SimpleCache::accessTiming(PacketPtr pkt)
    bool hit = accessFunctional(pkt);
    if (hit) {
        hits++; // update stats
    } else {
        misses++; // update stats
        missTime = curTick();
SimpleCache::handleResponse(PacketPtr pkt)

    missLatency.sample(curTick() - missTime);


system.cache.hits                                8431                       # Number of hits
system.cache.misses                               877                       # Number of misses
system.cache.missLatency::samples                 877                       # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::mean           53334.093501                       # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::gmean          44506.409356                       # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::stdev          36749.446469                       # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::0-32767                 305     34.78%     34.78% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::32768-65535             365     41.62%     76.40% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::65536-98303             164     18.70%     95.10% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::98304-131071             12      1.37%     96.47% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::131072-163839            17      1.94%     98.40% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::163840-196607             7      0.80%     99.20% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::196608-229375             0      0.00%     99.20% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::229376-262143             0      0.00%     99.20% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::262144-294911             2      0.23%     99.43% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::294912-327679             4      0.46%     99.89% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::327680-360447             1      0.11%    100.00% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::360448-393215             0      0.00%    100.00% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::393216-425983             0      0.00%    100.00% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::425984-458751             0      0.00%    100.00% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::458752-491519             0      0.00%    100.00% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::491520-524287             0      0.00%    100.00% # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.missLatency::total                   877                       # Ticks for misses to the cache
system.cache.hitRatio                        0.905780                       # The ratio of hits to the total access