class GigaBoomConfig extends Config( new chipyard.iobinders.WithUARTAdapter ++ new chipyard.iobinders.WithTieOffInterrupts ++ new chipyard.iobinders.WithBlackBoxSimMem ++ new chipyard.iobinders.WithTiedOffDebug ++ new chipyard.iobinders.WithSimSerial ++ new testchipip.WithTSI ++ new chipyard.config.WithBootROM ++ new chipyard.config.WithUART ++ new chipyard.config.WithL2TLBs(1024) ++ new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNoMMIOPort ++ new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNoSlavePort ++ new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithInclusiveCache ++ new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithNExtTopInterrupts(0) ++ new boom.common.WithGigaBooms ++ // giga boom config new boom.common.WithNBoomCores(1) ++ new freechips.rocketchip.subsystem.WithCoherentBusTopology ++ new freechips.rocketchip.system.BaseConfig)
class WithGigaBooms extends Config((site, here, up) => { case BoomTilesKey => up(BoomTilesKey, site) map { b => b.copy( core = b.core.copy( fetchWidth = 8, decodeWidth = 5, numRobEntries = 130, issueParams = Seq( IssueParams(issueWidth=2, numEntries=24, iqType=IQT_MEM.litValue, dispatchWidth=5), IssueParams(issueWidth=5, numEntries=40, iqType=IQT_INT.litValue, dispatchWidth=5), IssueParams(issueWidth=2, numEntries=32, iqType=IQT_FP.litValue , dispatchWidth=5)), numIntPhysRegisters = 128, numFpPhysRegisters = 128, numLdqEntries = 32, numStqEntries = 32, maxBrCount = 20, numFetchBufferEntries = 40, enablePrefetching=true, numDCacheBanks=1, // Duplicate the DCache. For Science ftq = FtqParameters(nEntries=40), fpu = Some(freechips.rocketchip.tile.FPUParams(sfmaLatency=4, dfmaLatency=4, divSqrt=true))), dcache = Some(DCacheParams(rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBytes*8, nSets=64, nWays=8, nMSHRs=8, nTLBEntries=32)), icache = Some(ICacheParams(fetchBytes = 4*4, rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBytes*8, nSets=64, nWays=8, prefetch=true)) )} case SystemBusKey => up(SystemBusKey, site).copy(beatBytes = 16) case XLen => 64 case MaxHartIdBits => log2Up(site(BoomTilesKey).size) })
Configuration | Cycles |
SmallBoomConfig | 211123 |
MediumBoomConfig | 116078 |
LargeBoomConfig | 88391 |
MegaBoomConfig | 74496 |
GigaBoomConfig | 68039 |
class WithTeraBooms extends Config((site, here, up) => { case BoomTilesKey => up(BoomTilesKey, site) map { b => b.copy( core = b.core.copy( fetchWidth = 8, decodeWidth = 8, numRobEntries = 208, issueParams = Seq( IssueParams(issueWidth=2, numEntries=24, iqType=IQT_MEM.litValue, dispatchWidth=8), IssueParams(issueWidth=8, numEntries=40, iqType=IQT_INT.litValue, dispatchWidth=8), IssueParams(issueWidth=4, numEntries=32, iqType=IQT_FP.litValue , dispatchWidth=8)), numIntPhysRegisters = 256, numFpPhysRegisters = 256, numLdqEntries = 48, numStqEntries = 48, maxBrCount = 20, numFetchBufferEntries = 56, enablePrefetching=true, numDCacheBanks=1, // Duplicate the DCache. For Science ftq = FtqParameters(nEntries=40), fpu = Some(freechips.rocketchip.tile.FPUParams(sfmaLatency=4, dfmaLatency=4, divSqrt=true))), dcache = Some(DCacheParams(rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBytes*8, nSets=64, nWays=8, nMSHRs=8, nTLBEntries=32)), icache = Some(ICacheParams(fetchBytes = 4*4, rowBits = site(SystemBusKey).beatBytes*8, nSets=64, nWays=8, prefetch=true)) )} case SystemBusKey => up(SystemBusKey, site).copy(beatBytes = 16) case XLen => 64 case MaxHartIdBits => log2Up(site(BoomTilesKey).size) })