
カテゴリ別記事インデックス https://msyksphinz.github.io/github_pages , English Version https://fpgadevdiary.hatenadiary.com/

BOOMv3 Issue Unitの構成を読み解く

BOOMv3のIssue Unitの構成を読み解いて、自作CPUの性能向上の役に立てる。



  // Issue Table

  val slots = for (i <- 0 until numIssueSlots) yield { val slot = Module(new IssueSlot(numWakeupPorts)); slot }
  val issue_slots = VecInit(slots.map(_.io))

  for (i <- 0 until numIssueSlots) {
    issue_slots(i).wakeup_ports     := io.wakeup_ports
    issue_slots(i).pred_wakeup_port := io.pred_wakeup_port
    issue_slots(i).spec_ld_wakeup   := io.spec_ld_wakeup
    issue_slots(i).ldspec_miss      := io.ld_miss
    issue_slots(i).brupdate         := io.brupdate
    issue_slots(i).kill             := io.flush_pipeline



 * Single issue slot. Holds a uop within the issue queue
 * @param numWakeupPorts number of wakeup ports
class IssueSlot(val numWakeupPorts: Int)(implicit p: Parameters)
  extends BoomModule
  with IssueUnitConstants
  val io = IO(new IssueSlotIO(numWakeupPorts))

  // slot invalid?
  // slot is valid, holding 1 uop
  // slot is valid, holds 2 uops (like a store)
  def is_invalid = state === s_invalid
  def is_valid = state =/= s_invalid

  val next_state      = Wire(UInt()) // the next state of this slot (which might then get moved to a new slot)
  val next_uopc       = Wire(UInt()) // the next uopc of this slot (which might then get moved to a new slot)
  val next_lrs1_rtype = Wire(UInt()) // the next reg type of this slot (which might then get moved to a new slot)
  val next_lrs2_rtype = Wire(UInt()) // the next reg type of this slot (which might then get moved to a new slot)


              issueParams = Seq(
                IssueParams(issueWidth=1, numEntries=12, iqType=IQT_MEM.litValue, dispatchWidth=2),
                IssueParams(issueWidth=2, numEntries=20, iqType=IQT_INT.litValue, dispatchWidth=2),
                IssueParams(issueWidth=1, numEntries=16, iqType=IQT_FP.litValue , dispatchWidth=2)),


  • issue-unit-age-ordered.scala
  val uops = issue_slots.map(s=>s.out_uop) ++ dis_uops.map(s=>s)
  for (i <- 0 until numIssueSlots) {
    issue_slots(i).in_uop.valid := false.B
    issue_slots(i).in_uop.bits  := uops(i+1)
    for (j <- 1 to maxShift by 1) {
      when (shamts_oh(i+j) === (1 << (j-1)).U) {
        issue_slots(i).in_uop.valid := will_be_valid(i+j)
        issue_slots(i).in_uop.bits  := uops(i+j)
    issue_slots(i).clear        := shamts_oh(i) =/= 0.U

そうでないバリエーションもある。これはAge Matrixに基づいて、もっと若い空いているエントリに割り当てを行っているように見える。 たぶんこっちの方が性能がいい、というかエントリを効率的に使用できる。

  • issue-unit-unordered.scala
  val entry_wen_oh = VecInit(Seq.fill(numIssueSlots){ Wire(Bits(dispatchWidth.W)) })
  for (i <- 0 until numIssueSlots) {
    issue_slots(i).in_uop.valid := entry_wen_oh(i).orR
    issue_slots(i).in_uop.bits  := Mux1H(entry_wen_oh(i), dis_uops)
    issue_slots(i).clear        := false.B