
カテゴリ別記事インデックス https://msyksphinz.github.io/github_pages , English Version https://fpgadevdiary.hatenadiary.com/

ChiselとDiplomacyを使ってオリジナルデザインを作成してみる (3. 外部モジュールとの接続方法検討)




class core_complex(ramBeatBytes: Int, txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
  val ifu    = LazyModule(new ifu("ifu"))
  val xbar   = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
  val memory = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(0x020000000, 0x0ffff), beatBytes = ramBeatBytes))

  xbar.node := TLDelayer(0.0001) := ifu.node
  memory.node := xbar.node



class core_complex(ramBeatBytes: Int, txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
  val loader = LazyModule(new loader("loader"))

  val ifu    = LazyModule(new ifu("ifu"))
  val xbar   = LazyModule(new TLXbar)
  val memory = LazyModule(new TLRAM(AddressSet(0x020000000, 0x0ffff), beatBytes = ramBeatBytes))

  xbar.node := loader.node
  xbar.node := TLDelayer(0.0001) := ifu.node
  memory.node := xbar.node



class TestHarness()(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val success = Output(Bool())

  val ldut = LazyModule(new core_complex(4, 5000))
  val dut = Module(ldut.module)

  val dtm = Module(new sim_dtm);
  ldut.loader.module.io.req  := dtm.io.req
  ldut.loader.module.io.addr := dtm.io.addr
  ldut.loader.module.io.data := dtm.io.data
  dtm.io.ready := ldut.loader.module.io.ready

class DefaultConfig extends Config(new BaseSubsystemConfig)


class core_complex(ramBeatBytes: Int, txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
  val loader = LazyModule(new loader("loader"))
  lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) with UnitTestModule {

    // TLPatternPusher
    ifu.module.io.run := true.B

    io.finished := ifu.module.io.done
    when (ifu.module.io.error) {
      printf("Error is detected")


  • sim_dtm.v
module sim_dtm(
  input clk,
  input reset,

  output        debug_req_valid,
  input         debug_req_ready,
  output [ 6:0] debug_req_bits_addr,
  output [ 1:0] debug_req_bits_op,
  output [31:0] debug_req_bits_data,

  input         debug_resp_valid,
  output        debug_resp_ready,
  input  [ 1:0] debug_resp_bits_resp,
  input  [31:0] debug_resp_bits_data,

  output [31:0] exit

  bit r_reset;

  wire __debug_req_ready = debug_req_ready;
  wire __debug_resp_valid = debug_resp_valid;
  wire [31:0] __debug_resp_bits_resp = {30'b0, debug_resp_bits_resp};


firrtl.passes.CheckHighFormLike$UndeclaredReferenceException:  @[test_harness.scala 25:30]: [module TestHarness] Reference loader is not declared.
firrtl.passes.CheckHighFormLike$UndeclaredReferenceException:  @[test_harness.scala 26:30]: [module TestHarness] Reference loader is not declared.
firrtl.passes.CheckHighFormLike$UndeclaredReferenceException:  @[test_harness.scala 27:30]: [module TestHarness] Reference loader is not declared.
firrtl.passes.CheckHighFormLike$UndeclaredReferenceException:  @[test_harness.scala 28:16]: [module TestHarness] Reference loader is not declared.


class TestHarness()(implicit p: Parameters) extends Module {
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val success = Output(Bool())

  val ldut = LazyModule(new core_complex(4, 5000))
  val dut = Module(ldut.module)

  val dtm = Module(new sim_dtm);
  dut.io.req  := dtm.io.req
  dut.io.addr := dtm.io.addr
  dut.io.data := dtm.io.data
  dtm.io.ready := dut.io.ready
  module TestHarness :
    input clock : Clock
    input reset : UInt<1>
    output io : {success : UInt<1>}

    clock is invalid
    reset is invalid
    io is invalid
    inst ldut of core_complex @[test_harness.scala 22:19]
    ldut.clock is invalid
    ldut.reset is invalid
    ldut.auto is invalid
    ldut.io is invalid
    ldut.clock <= clock
    ldut.reset <= reset
    inst dtm of sim_dtm @[test_harness.scala 24:19]
    dtm.ready is invalid
    dtm.data is invalid
    dtm.addr is invalid
    dtm.req is invalid
    ldut.io.req <= dtm.req @[test_harness.scala 25:15]
    ldut.io.addr <= dtm.addr @[test_harness.scala 26:15]
    ldut.io.data <= dtm.data @[test_harness.scala 27:15]
    dtm.ready <= ldut.io.ready @[test_harness.scala 28:16]
class core_complex(ramBeatBytes: Int, txns: Int)(implicit p: Parameters) extends LazyModule {
  val loader = LazyModule(new loader("loader"))

  lazy val module = new LazyModuleImp(this) {
    val io = IO(new Bundle {
      val req   = Input(Bool())
      val addr  = Input(UInt(32.W))
      val data  = Input(UInt(32.W))
      val ready = Output(Bool())

    loader.module.io.req  := io.req
    loader.module.io.addr := io.addr
    loader.module.io.data := io.data
    io.ready := loader.module.io.ready