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FIRRTLに入門する (18. 多次元配列に対する処理の検討)



  • VecBundle.fir
circuit VecBundle :
  module VecBundle :
    input in: UInt<32>[3][4]
    input sel: UInt<2>
    output out : UInt<32>[3]

    out <= in[sel]
./utils/bin/firrtl -td regress -i ./regress/VecBundle.fir -X sverilog -ll trace 2>&1 | tee VecBundle.log
Exception in thread "main" firrtl.FirrtlInternalException: Internal Error! trying to write unsupported type in the Verilog Emitter: VectorType(VectorType(UIntType(IntWidth(32)),3),4)


circuit VecBundle :
  module VecBundle :
    input in : UInt<32>[3][4]
    input sel : UInt<2>
    output out : UInt<32>[3]

    out <= in[sel]



  • src/main/scala/firrtl/SystemVerilogEmitter.scala
  override def stringify(tpe: VectorType): String = {
    val ground_type = tpe.tpe
    val elem_type = ground_type match {
      case (t: VectorType) => {
        val wx = bitWidth(tpe) - 1
        val field_str = if (wx > 0) s"[$wx:0]" else ""
        val str_element = tpe.tpe match {
          case tpe_elem: VectorType => stringify(tpe_elem)
          case tpe_elem: GroundType => stringify(tpe_elem)
        str_element + field_str
      case (_: UIntType | _: SIntType | _: AnalogType) =>
        val wx = bitWidth(tpe) - 1
        if (wx > 0) s"[$wx:0]" else ""
      case ClockType | AsyncResetType | AsyncResetNType => ""
      case _ => throwInternalError(s"trying to write unsupported type in the Verilog Emitter: $tpe")
    elem_type + s"[${tpe.size}]"

case (t: VectorType)の中身をもう少し噛み砕いている。つまり、VectorTypeの中身をさらに解析し、さらにVectorTypeならばstringify(tpe: VectorType)を呼び出し、GroundTypeならばstringify(tp: GroundType)を呼び出すという算段にしている。これでVectorType入れ子も上手く行くはずだ。

circuit VecBundle :
  module VecBundle :
    input in : UInt<32>[3][4]
    input sel : UInt<2>
    output out : UInt<32>[3]

    out <= in[sel]


EmittedVerilogCircuitAnnotation(EmittedVerilogCircuit(VecBundle,module VecBundle(
  input logic  [95:0][383:0] in,
  input logic  [1:0]         sel,
  output logic [95:0]        out
  assign out = in[sel];


diff --git a/src/main/scala/firrtl/Utils.scala b/src/main/scala/firrtl/Utils.scala
index 0b26e6a1..38495694 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/firrtl/Utils.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/firrtl/Utils.scala
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ object getWidth {
 object bitWidth {
   def apply(dt: Type): BigInt = widthOf(dt)
   private def widthOf(dt: Type): BigInt = dt match {
-    case t: VectorType => t.size * bitWidth(t.tpe)
+    // case t: VectorType => t.size * bitWidth(t.tpe)
+    case t: VectorType => t.size
     case t: BundleType => t.fields.map(f => bitWidth(f.tpe)).foldLeft(BigInt(0))(_+_)
     case GroundType(IntWidth(width)) => width
     case t => Utils.error(s"Unknown type encountered in bitWidth: $dt")


module VecBundle(
  input logic  [2:0][3:0] in,
  input logic  [1:0]      sel,
  output logic [2:0]      out
  assign out = in[sel];


diff --git a/src/main/scala/firrtl/SystemVerilogEmitter.scala b/src/main/scala/firrtl/SystemVerilogEmitter.scala
index 77b50432..dcee604a 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/firrtl/SystemVerilogEmitter.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/firrtl/SystemVerilogEmitter.scala
@@ -24,23 +24,28 @@ class SystemVerilogEmitter extends VerilogEmitter with Emitter {

   override def stringify(tpe: VectorType): String = {
     val ground_type = tpe.tpe
     val elem_type = ground_type match {
       case (t: VectorType) => {
-        val wx = bitWidth(tpe) - 1
-        val field_str = if (wx > 0) s"[$wx:0]" else ""
+        val wx = sv_bitWidth(tpe) - 1
+        val field_str = if (wx > 0) s"[$wx]" else ""
         val str_element = tpe.tpe match {
           case tpe_elem: VectorType => stringify(tpe_elem)
           case tpe_elem: GroundType => stringify(tpe_elem)
         str_element + field_str
-      case (_: UIntType | _: SIntType | _: AnalogType) =>
-        val wx = bitWidth(tpe) - 1
-        if (wx > 0) s"[$wx:0]" else ""
+      case (_: UIntType | _: SIntType | _: AnalogType) => {
+        val wx = sv_bitWidth(tpe) - 1
+        val elem_w = sv_bitWidth(ground_type) - 1
+        val elem_str = if (elem_w > 0) s"[${elem_w}:0]" else ""
+        val vec_str = if (wx > 0) s"[$wx]" else ""
+        elem_str + vec_str
+      }
       case ClockType | AsyncResetType | AsyncResetNType => ""
       case _ => throwInternalError(s"trying to write unsupported type in the Verilog Emitter: $tpe")
-    elem_type + s"[${tpe.size}]"
+    elem_type
object sv_bitWidth {
  def apply(dt: Type): BigInt = widthOf(dt)
  private def widthOf(dt: Type): BigInt = dt match {
    case t: VectorType => t.size
    case t: BundleType => t.fields.map(f => bitWidth(f.tpe)).foldLeft(BigInt(0))(_+_)
    case GroundType(IntWidth(width)) => width
    case t => Utils.error(s"Unknown type encountered in bitWidth: $dt")


module VecBundle(
  input logic  [31:0][2][3] in,
  input logic  [1:0]        sel,
  output logic [31:0][2]    out
  assign out = in[sel];