
カテゴリ別記事インデックス https://msyksphinz.github.io/github_pages , English Version https://fpgadevdiary.hatenadiary.com/





Max Delay Paths
Slack (VIOLATED) :        -5.060ns  (required time - arrival time)
  Source:                 scariv_subsystem_axi_wrapper/u_scariv_subsystem/u_tile/fpu.fpu_loop[0].u_fpu/u_fpu/u_scariv_fpnew_wrapper/u_fpnew_top/gen_operation_groups[0].i_opgroup_block/gen_merged_slice.i_multifmt_slice/gen_num_lanes[0].active_lane.lane_instance.i_fpnew_fma_multi/gen_input_pipeline[0].inp_pipe_operands_q_reg[1][0][41]/C
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDCE clocked by main_crg_clkout0  {rise@0.000ns fall@10.000ns period=20.000ns})
  Destination:            scariv_subsystem_axi_wrapper/u_scariv_subsystem/u_tile/fpu.fpu_loop[0].u_fpu/u_fpu/u_scariv_fpnew_wrapper/u_fpnew_top/gen_operation_groups[0].i_opgroup_block/gen_merged_slice.i_multifmt_slice/gen_num_lanes[0].active_lane.lane_instance.i_fpnew_fma_multi/gen_inside_pipeline[0].mid_pipe_sum_q_reg[1][158]/D
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDCE clocked by main_crg_clkout0  {rise@0.000ns fall@10.000ns period=20.000ns})


diff --git a/litex/build/xilinx/vivado.py b/litex/build/xilinx/vivado.py
index ed450efbd..eabeb9094 100644
--- a/litex/build/xilinx/vivado.py
+++ b/litex/build/xilinx/vivado.py
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ class XilinxVivadoToolchain(GenericToolchain):
         # Synthesis
         if self._synth_mode == "vivado":
             tcl.append("\n# Synthesis\n")
-            synth_cmd = f"synth_design -directive {self.vivado_synth_directive} -top {self._build_name} -part {self.platform.device}"
+            synth_cmd = f"synth_design -retiming -directive {self.vivado_synth_directive} -top {self._build_name} -part {self.platform.device}"
             if self.platform.verilog_include_paths:
                 synth_cmd += f" -include_dirs {{{' '.join(self.platform.verilog_include_paths)}}}"



Max Delay Paths
Slack (VIOLATED) :        -4.508ns  (required time - arrival time)
  Source:                 scariv_subsystem_axi_wrapper/u_scariv_subsystem/u_tile/fpu.fpu_loop[0].u_fpu/u_fpu/u_scariv_fpnew_wrapper/u_fpnew_top/gen_operation_groups[0].i_opgroup_block/gen_merged_slice.i_multifmt_slice/gen_num_lanes[0].active_lane.lane_instance.i_fpnew_fma_multi/gen_inside_pipeline[1].mid_pipe_sum_q_reg[2][26]/C
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDCE clocked by main_crg_clkout0  {rise@0.000ns fall@10.000ns period=20.000ns})
  Destination:            scariv_subsystem_axi_wrapper/u_scariv_subsystem/u_tile/fpu.fpu_loop[0].u_fpu/u_fpu/u_scariv_fpnew_wrapper/u_fpnew_top/gen_operation_groups[0].i_opgroup_block/gen_merged_slice.i_multifmt_slice/gen_num_lanes[0].active_lane.lane_instance.i_fpnew_fma_multi/gen_output_pipeline[0].out_pipe_status_q_reg[1][NX]/D
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDCE clocked by main_crg_clkout0  {rise@0.000ns fall@10.000ns period=20.000ns})
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0
        Numbers of forward move = 0, and backward move = 0