
カテゴリ別記事インデックス https://msyksphinz.github.io/github_pages , English Version https://fpgadevdiary.hatenadiary.com/

LLVMのバックエンドを作るための第一歩 (52. 浮動小数点のその他の命令)




funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode
FSQRT.S 0101100 00000 rs1 rm rd 1010011
FSGNJ.S 0010000 rs2 rs1 000 rd 1010011
FSIGNJN.S 0010000 rs2 rs1 001 rd 1010011
FSGNJX.S 0010000 rs2 rs1 010 rd 1010011
FCVT.W.S 1100000 00000 rs1 000 rd 1010011
FCVT.WU.S 1100000 00001 rs1 001 rd 1010011
FMV.X.W 1110000 00000 rs1 000 rd 1010011
FCLASS.S 1110000 00000 rs1 001 rd 1010011
FCVT.S.W 1101000 00000 rs1 rm rd 1010011
FCVT.S.WU 1101000 00001 rs1 rm rd 1010011
FMV.W.X 1111000 00000 rs1 000 rd 1010011
funct7 rs2 rs1 funct3 rd opcode
FSQRT.D 0101101 00000 rs1 rm rd 1010011
FSGNJ.D 0010001 rs2 rs1 000 rd 1010011
FSIGNJN.D 0010001 rs2 rs1 001 rd 1010011
FSGNJX.D 0010001 rs2 rs1 010 rd 1010011
FCVT.W.D 1100001 00000 rs1 000 rd 1010011
FCVT.WU.D 1100001 00001 rs1 001 rd 1010011
FCLASS.D 1110001 00000 rs1 001 rd 1010011
FCVT.D.W 1101001 00000 rs1 rm rd 1010011
FCVT.D.WU 1101001 00001 rs1 rm rd 1010011


  • llvm-myriscvx/lib/Target/MYRISCVX/MYRISCVXInstrInfoFD.td
// Floating-Point instructions with 1 register operands.
class FPTwoOp<bits<7> opcode, bits<3> rm, bits<7> funct7,
                string instr_asm,
                RegisterClass RC> :
  MYRISCVX_R<opcode, rm, funct7, (outs RC:$rd), (ins RC:$rs1, RC:$rs2),
             !strconcat(instr_asm, "\t$rd, $rs1, $rs2"),
             [], IIAlu> {
    let isReMaterializable = 1;

// Floating-Point instructions with 1 register operands.
class FPSingleOp<bits<7> opcode, bits<3> rm, bits<7> funct7, bits<5> rs2_op,
                string instr_asm,
                RegisterClass DstRC, RegisterClass SrcRC> :
  MYRISCVX_R<opcode, rm, funct7, (outs DstRC:$rd), (ins SrcRC:$rs1),
             !strconcat(instr_asm, "\t$rd, $rs1"),
             [], IIAlu> {
    let isReMaterializable = 1;
    let rs2 = rs2_op;

まずは、1オペランド用の命令と2オペランド用の命令テンプレートを用意した。それぞれFPSingleOp, FPTwoOpというテンプレートクラスを作成する。少し注意だが、FPSingleOpテンプレートでは、型の返還命令が入るため入力オペランドレジスタタイプ(RegisterClass SrcRC)と出力オペランドレジスタタイプ(RegisterClass DstRC)が個別に指定できる。これに基づいて、まずは単精度浮動小数点命令の定義を行う。

def FSQRT_S   : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b0101100, 0b00000, "fsqrt.s",  FPR_S, FPR_S>;
def FSIGNJ_S  : FPTwoOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b0010000, "fsgnj.s" , FPR_S>;
def FSIGNJN_S : FPTwoOp<0b1010011, 0b001, 0b0010000, "fsgnjn.s", FPR_S>;
def FSIGNJX_S : FPTwoOp<0b1010011, 0b010, 0b0010000, "fsgnjx.s", FPR_S>;
def FCVT_W_S  : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1100000, 0b00000, "fcvt.w.s",  GPR, FPR_S>;
def FCVT_WU_S : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1100000, 0b00001, "fcvt.wu.s", GPR, FPR_S>;
def FMV_X_W   : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1110000, 0b00000, "fmv.x.w",   GPR, FPR_S>;
def FCLASS_S  : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b001, 0b1110000, 0b00000, "fclass.s",  FPR_S, FPR_S>;
def FCVT_S_W  : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1101000, 0b00000, "fcvt.s.w",  FPR_S, GPR>;
def FCVT_S_WU : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1101000, 0b00001, "fcvt.s.wu", FPR_S, GPR>;
def FMV_W_X   : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1111000, 0b00000, "fmv.w.x",   FPR_S, GPR>;


  • llvm-myriscvx/lib/Target/MYRISCVX/MYRISCVXInstrInfoFD.td
def : Pat<(fsqrt FPR_S:$rs1), (FSQRT_S   $rs1)>;
def : Pat<(fneg  FPR_S:$rs1), (FSIGNJN_S $rs1, $rs1)>;
def : Pat<(fabs  FPR_S:$rs1), (FSIGNJX_S $rs1, $rs1)>;
def : InstAlias<"fmv.s  $rd, $rs1", (FSIGNJ_S  FPR_S:$rd, FPR_S:$rs1, FPR_S:$rs1), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"fneg.s $rd, $rs1", (FSIGNJN_S FPR_S:$rd, FPR_S:$rs1, FPR_S:$rs1), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"fabs.s $rd, $rs1", (FSIGNJX_S FPR_S:$rd, FPR_S:$rs1, FPR_S:$rs1), 0>;
def : Pat<(fp_to_sint FPR_S:$rs1), (FCVT_W_S  $rs1)>;
def : Pat<(fp_to_uint FPR_S:$rs1), (FCVT_WU_S $rs1)>;
def : Pat<(sint_to_fp GPR:$rs1), (FCVT_S_W  $rs1)>;
def : Pat<(uint_to_fp GPR:$rs1), (FCVT_S_WU $rs1)>;

エイリアスとしてfmv.s, fneg.s, fabs.sを追加した。アセンブリでは、これらの記法も有効になる。


  • llvm-myriscvx/lib/Target/MYRISCVX/MYRISCVXInstrInfoFD.td
def FSQRT_D   : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b0101101, 0b00000, "fsqrt.d",  FPR_D, FPR_D>;
def FSIGNJ_D  : FPTwoOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b0010001, "fsgnj.d" , FPR_D>;
def FSIGNJN_D : FPTwoOp<0b1010011, 0b001, 0b0010001, "fsgnjn.d", FPR_D>;
def FSIGNJX_D : FPTwoOp<0b1010011, 0b010, 0b0010001, "fsgnjx.d", FPR_D>;
def FCVT_W_D  : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1100001, 0b00000, "fcvt.w.d",  GPR, FPR_D>;
def FCVT_WU_D : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1100001, 0b00001, "fcvt.wu.d", GPR, FPR_D>;
// def FMV_X_W   : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1110001, 0b00000, "fmv.x.w",   GPR, FPR_D>;
def FCLASS_D  : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b001, 0b1110001, 0b00000, "fclass.d",  FPR_D, FPR_D>;
def FCVT_D_W  : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1101001, 0b00000, "fcvt.d.w",  FPR_D, GPR>;
def FCVT_D_WU : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1101001, 0b00001, "fcvt.d.wu", FPR_D, GPR>;
// def FMV_W_X   : FPSingleOp<0b1010011, 0b000, 0b1111001, 0b00000, "fmv.w.x",   FPR_D, GPR>;

def : Pat<(fsqrt FPR_D:$rs1), (FSQRT_D $rs1)>;
def : Pat<(fneg  FPR_D:$rs1), (FSIGNJN_D $rs1, $rs1)>;
def : Pat<(fabs  FPR_D:$rs1), (FSIGNJX_D $rs1, $rs1)>;
def : InstAlias<"fmv.d  $rd, $rs1", (FSIGNJ_D  FPR_D:$rd, FPR_D:$rs1, FPR_D:$rs1), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"fneg.d $rd, $rs1", (FSIGNJN_D FPR_D:$rd, FPR_D:$rs1, FPR_D:$rs1), 0>;
def : InstAlias<"fabs.d $rd, $rs1", (FSIGNJX_D FPR_D:$rd, FPR_D:$rs1, FPR_D:$rs1), 0>;
def : Pat<(fp_to_sint FPR_D:$rs1), (FCVT_W_D  $rs1)>;
def : Pat<(fp_to_uint FPR_D:$rs1), (FCVT_WU_D $rs1)>;
def : Pat<(sint_to_fp GPR:$rs1), (FCVT_D_W  $rs1)>;
def : Pat<(uint_to_fp GPR:$rs1), (FCVT_D_WU $rs1)>;


  • fp_others.cpp
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>

// float f_sqrt (float in) { return sqrtf(in); }
float f_abs  (float in) { return fabsf(in); }
float f_neg  (float in) { return -in; }

// double d_sqrt (double in) { return sqrt(in); }
double d_abs  (double in) { return fabs(in); }
double d_neg  (double in) { return -in; }

int32_t  cvt_fp_to_sint (float  in) { return static_cast< int32_t>(in); }
uint32_t cvt_fp_to_uint (float  in) { return static_cast<uint32_t>(in); }
int32_t  cvt_dp_to_sint (double in) { return static_cast< int32_t>(in); }
uint32_t cvt_dp_to_uint (double in) { return static_cast<uint32_t>(in); }

float  cvt_sint_to_fp (int32_t  in) { return static_cast<float >(in); }
float  cvt_uint_to_fp (uint32_t in) { return static_cast<float >(in); }
double cvt_sint_to_dp (int32_t  in) { return static_cast<double>(in); }
double cvt_uint_to_dp (uint32_t in) { return static_cast<double>(in); }


./bin/clang -O3 fp_others.cpp -emit-llvm
./bin/llc -filetype=asm fp_others.bc -mcpu=simple32 -march=myriscvx32 -target-abi=lp64 -o -
        fsgnjx.s        f10, f10, f10
        fsgnjn.s        f10, f10, f10
        fsgnjx.d        f10, f10, f10
        fsgnjn.d        f10, f10, f10
        fcvt.w.s        x10, f10
        fcvt.wu.s       x10, f10
        fcvt.w.d        x10, f10
        fcvt.wu.d       x10, f10
        fcvt.s.w        f10, x10
        fcvt.s.wu       f10, x10
        fcvt.d.w        f10, x10
        fcvt.d.wu       f10, x10
