
カテゴリ別記事インデックス https://msyksphinz.github.io/github_pages , English Version https://fpgadevdiary.hatenadiary.com/

オープンソースRISC-VコアHummingBirdについて調査(7. FPGAでのビルドを試行する)




  • artydevkit
  • hbirdkit
  • nucleikit


  • artydevkit : xc7a35ticsg324-1L
  • hbirdkit : xc7a75tfgg484-2
  • nucleikit : xc7a100tfgg484-2




make install CORE=e203 FPGA_NAME=artydevkit
make mcs CORE=e203 FPGA_NAME=artydevkit


Finished Cross Boundary and Area Optimization : Time (s): cpu = 00:05:01 ; elapsed = 00:05:46 . Memory (MB): peak = 0.000 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 6608 ; free virtual = 55889
ERROR: [Synth 8-5834] Design needs 1056 RAMB18 which is more than device capacity of 100


make install CORE=e203 FPGA_NAME=hbirdkit
make mcs CORE=e203 FPGA_NAME=hbirdkit

こんどはTIMING Optimizationの所でVivadoが固まってしまった。固まったというか、どうも猛烈に時間がかかっているらしい。2ステージパイプラインのHummingBirdでFPGAの合成が数時間もかかるだろうか...?何かがおかしい気が。design checkpointを見てみたかったが吐き出されていなかった。

Finished Applying XDC Timing Constraints : Time (s): cpu = 00:07:25 ; elapsed = 00:08:09 . Memory (MB): peak = 0.000 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 8745 ; free virtual = 56416
Start Timing Optimization



Phase 1.2 IO Placement/ Clock Placement/ Build Placer Device
ERROR: [Place 30-640] Place Check : This design requires more F7 Muxes cells than are available in the target device. This design requires 288747 of such cell types but only 31700 compatible sites are available in the target device. Please analyze your synthesis results and constraints to ensure the design is mapped to Xilinx primitives as expected. If so, please consider targeting a larger device.
ERROR: [Place 30-640] Place Check : This design requires more Slice LUTs cells than are available in the target device. This design requires 799988 of such cell types but only 47200 compatible sites are available in the target device. Please analyze your synthesis results and constraints to ensure the design is mapped to Xilinx primitives as expected. If so, please consider targeting a larger device. Please set tcl parameter "drc.disableLUTOverUtilError" to 1 to change this error to warning.
ERROR: [Place 30-640] Place Check : This design requires more LUT as Logic cells than are available in the target device. This design requires 259236 of such cell types but only 47200 compatible sites are available in the target device. Please analyze your synthesis results and constraints to ensure the design is mapped to Xilinx primitives as expected. If so, please
consider targeting a larger device. Please set tcl parameter "drc.disableLUTOverUtilError" to 1 to change this error to warning.
ERROR: [Place 30-640] Place Check : This design requires more LUT as Memory cells than are available in the target device. This design requires 540752 of such cell types but only 19000
compatible sites are available in the target device. Please analyze your synthesis results and constraints to ensure the design is mapped to Xilinx primitives as expected. If so, please consider targeting a larger device. Please set tcl parameter "drc.disableLUTOverUtilError" to 1 to change this error to warning.